Archive | March 2017

Getting My Enthusiasm Back

It is a particularly busy time for me, lately. It is weird because I am actually unemployed and semi bedridden for  an acute back pain that just doesn’t want to go away, but I am actually quite busy. Well, at least mentally busy, in a good way. Around a month ago, I quitted my job in the Uk and came back to Italy. I won’t go too much into detail but my physical condition isn’t good and I wasn’t too fond of the job, nothing particularly interesting. When I was in the UK I got back into studying Korean, mostly revising and watching LOTS of dramas in my free time getting used to the language again. The only problem was that I didn’t have much time to dedicate myself fully to studying or at least I did have free time but not enough mind space to do more than sitting through TTMIK podcasts and jot down notes.

The turning point was around threeish weeks ago, I’ve found myself in Italy with a lot of real free time and motivation from all over the place. Compared to 4 years ago, when I first started learning Korean, the interest has definitely increased, korean wave or not I’ve found more people to talk to and share the learning experience with. I created a study group on Facebook, the majority of the members are still beginners but I receive a lot of motivation and this makes studying more fun and interactive. Also I joined the BitesizeKorean chat in which I am not that active but it has been a solid reference point for learning and asking questions. But a part from the free time and sharing what kept me going and truly made me get my enthusiasm for language learning back was reading over and over Archana’s blog. I swear I read her posts like five times each? Given that she seems such a nice person and that we have an incredible similar taste in drama genre she made me remember how to actually enjoy the learning process. Not only I feel super motivated but I feel like things are getting inside my head more quickly and that I am actually making small progresses!
I feel that I made it to the point in which slightly less basic grammar points and vocabulary are naturally coming out in my sentences. I am currently (slowly) reading the online preview of 구르미 그린 달빛 and even if it is waaay far from my level I can enjoy the reading by understanding things from the context without checking the dictionary or the textbook every five seconds.
In my ‘About’ page (which needs an update ASAP) you can find written that language learning is my hobby, in the past two years it wasn’t like that anymore. I am not sure what happened to make me go stray from this passion of mine but it happened and being back on track feels a lot like finding myself again. I am enjoying it, even if sometimes it is hard and frustrating. I try to dedicate at least 20 minutes per day to Korean and to use it as much as I can.

I would’ve never imagined that I could feel this passionate about Korean like this again, so thanks Jeannie for suggesting Archana’s blog, it truly had an impact in the last few weeks of my life!

How is your studying journey going? Are you stuck? What makes you feel passioned about learning languages? What motivates you?